Monday, October 6, 2008


Have you ever read the webcomic XKCD? Well, you should. Even if you aren't a fan of computer science and mathematics, there are plenty of comics that you will be able to relate to. And don't forget to read the alt text for each comic, it's like two jokes in one!

The other day, I was informed that the author keeps a blag (that is, a blog. It's from the comic. You should really read it). And after reading an interesting post about jet planes on tread mills, I stumbled across a project that Randall Munroe (the author) is involved in: Project Euler. Unlike the comic, you would probably only care about this site if you are interested in computer science and mathematics.

The idea is simple: there are a bunch of math problems, and the site tracks which ones you have answered correctly. Each problem is well suited to being solved using a computer, and there is an accompanying forum in case you get stuck. The problems range from very simple (10 lines easy) to very difficult (I have no idea how to even start some of these). It's a great way to brush up on coding and math skills.

I've only done the first two so far, and it's nice to be able to work on small, yet interesting problems. After modifying other people's code in a huge code base all day at work, it's nice to sit down and write a small program myself. It also gives me a chance to brush up on my command line skills. I've been too pampered by fancy IDEs for to long!

And now, for the big news: I CHALLENGE MATT TO A EULER OFF!

That's right, I went there. If he accepts, the rules shall be as follows: the person who has completed the most problems by the end of the month with no outside help wins. So what do you say Matt? It's a great chance to brush up on your skills and the problems are all pretty short. You've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya punk?


Ben Spears said...

YES! Competition! He who refuses the challenge is not a man!

Matt said...

Sigh...really? Fine, I accept your silly challenge. Lets keep in mind (Mr. Math Minor) that math is not my strong point.

No help? Ok no Googling or asking other people. Period.

Most problems solved by November 7th, 2008.

Coming next month - Art Contest (and not drawing little trees).

Ramatoulie Bojang said...

no Googling? I don't even know how to be online without googling. Does this end at the end of October.. on Halloween?? How ominous. What do you get if you win?? It should be something good, and you should be able to somehow publicly embarass the person on the blog. Yeay!!